Welcome to our Lingua Natal family!

Since 1993, Lingua Natal’s mission has been to provide children with the opportunity to enrich and widen their horizons through language immersion. We provide an engaging, vigorous and yet gentle and loving environment conducive to the development of happy, healthy minds and hearts. We strive to inspire a new generation dedicated to the betterment of the world and cooperation and friendship among its people.

Lingua Natal is a unique school that helps develop the superior critical thinking abilities and mental flexibility in students that is associated with being bilingual and multilingual. We have a faculty of caring individuals with backgrounds in music, art, psychology, child development, plus several cultures and their traditions. Each of our teachers are trained in Origin, our proprietary methodology and curriculum, as well as our mindfulness program, Positive Discipline, and the Virtues language.

At Lingua Natal, we respect each child’s individuality and uniqueness. We tap into the potential curiosity and innate talents of students. We help students learn in the ways that are right for them, nurturing a joy of learning and a passion to pursue their interests. The results are students who are self-motivated, creative, independent, intelligent, socially responsible, kind, and love peace and diversity of cultures and languages.

The key to our 31 years of success is our commitment to our individualized & science based approach as well as the desire to make a better world for all the children, removing barriers of prejudice and ignorance!

The best way to learn about our unique program is by seeing it first hand. Please use the form to book a tour and get in touch with us. We’re looking forward to getting to know you and your family!

Our Founder and Principal, Lena, at work with the children.

I see how much my daughter has progressed. After class she speaks in Spanish all afternoon with her sister. For her birthday she sang Happy Birthday in Chinese. Everybody was surprised, even her Chinese friend!

-Sarah Roche

I see how much my daughter has progressed. After class she speaks in Spanish all afternoon with her sister. For her birthday she sang Happy Birthday in Chinese. Everybody was surprised, even her Chinese friend!

Thank you so much for all the years of french instruction for my three children. Their teachers have been so impressesed with their language skills learned from your program. The oldest have tested proficient in French for Harvard and Georgetown Universities.

-Maureen Miller

I cannot tell you how much Kinley is enjoying Spanish! Andrea is so wonderful with the kids and she is singing in Spanish, and has many conversations at home in Spanish! I am thrilled!


Our son, at age 4, has far surpassed our knowledge/fluency of Spanish and has prompted us to look for adult classes.

–Karin H.

I am still amazed at how much spanish Adrian has been speaking after this camp!

–Dariela Cruz
(of MamiTalks.com)

We are over joyed! My daughter loves Spanish Class. The teachers are amazing!!! We really feel we've made the best decision to give her this gift that will last her a lifetime.

–Toni Ann H.

I didn’t realize what a precious gift I was given until later when my knowledge of Spanish and French and my interest in foreign language and diversity really began to set me aside from my peers.

–Dayna Waterworth