Lingua Natal is a unique school system that prepares its students for the challenges of an international, 21st century world. Through our rigorous, multilingual education, our students are able to develop the superior critical thinking abilities and mental flexibility associated with being bilingual and multilingual. Lingua Natal has over 31 years of experience in sharing cultures and languages. We take great pride in our ability to give students the tools needed to richly experience and succeed.
At Lingua Natal, we are dedicated to the upbringing of creative, resilient, independent, and socially responsible young people, having the knowledge and skills necessary to be active contributors in the global community.

We believe in the holistic development of children tapping their potential capacity, curiosity, and innate talents to bring out well-balanced, confident individuals and lifelong, independent learners.
Emphasis is put on preserving our natural environments and taking care of our planet earth. We care and teach, as part of our daily interaction, about the three Rs: Reduce, Re-use, and Recycle.