Changing the way kids

foreign languages!

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Lingua Natal is a unique school system that prepares its students for the challenges of an international, 21st century world. Through our rigorous, multilingual education, our students are able to develop the superior critical thinking abilities and mental flexibility associated with being bilingual and multilingual. Lingua Natal has over 31 years of experience in sharing cultures and languages. We take great pride in our ability to give students the tools needed to richly experience and succeed.

At Lingua Natal, we are dedicated to the upbringing of creative, resilient, independent, and socially responsible young people, having the knowledge and skills necessary to be active contributors in the global community.


We believe in the holistic development of children tapping their potential capacity, curiosity, and innate talents to bring out well-balanced, confident individuals and lifelong, independent learners.


Emphasis is put on preserving our natural environments and taking care of our planet earth. We care and teach, as part of our daily interaction, about the three Rs: Reduce, Re-use, and Recycle.


We put emphasis on learning about the beautiful and diverse peoples and cultures of the world, creating socially responsible children with the skills necessary to be active contributors in the global community.

We are well aware of the inextricable connections between a child’s social, emotional, and physical development, academic growth, and the acquistion of a second or even a multiple of languages. All aspects of a child’s development are interconnected and precious. We strongly believe that it’s through loving and nurturing guidance that the natural potential, strength, and latent intellect of every child are unfolded.

At Lingua Natal, we believe that Music, Creative Movement, and Creative Art should be a part of the education of every child and we make sure it’s part of our daily curriculum for every age group.

We have a holistic approach to character education and we develop attitudes that make our learners Independent, Creative, Confident, Curious, In Control Of Self, Caring, Courteous, Compassionate, Respectful, and Empathetic.

I see how much my daughter has progressed. After class she speaks in Spanish all afternoon with her sister. For her birthday she sang Happy Birthday in Chinese. Everybody was surprised, even her Chinese friend!

-Sarah Roche

I see how much my daughter has progressed. After class she speaks in Spanish all afternoon with her sister. For her birthday she sang Happy Birthday in Chinese. Everybody was surprised, even her Chinese friend!

Thank you so much for all the years of french instruction for my three children. Their teachers have been so impressesed with their language skills learned from your program. The oldest have tested proficient in French for Harvard and Georgetown Universities.

-Maureen Miller

I cannot tell you how much Kinley is enjoying Spanish! Andrea is so wonderful with the kids and she is singing in Spanish, and has many conversations at home in Spanish! I am thrilled!


Our son, at age 4, has far surpassed our knowledge/fluency of Spanish and has prompted us to look for adult classes.

–Karin H.

I am still amazed at how much spanish Adrian has been speaking after this camp!

–Dariela Cruz

We are over joyed! My daughter loves Spanish Class. The teachers are amazing!!! We really feel we've made the best decision to give her this gift that will last her a lifetime.

–Toni Ann H.

I didn’t realize what a precious gift I was given until later when my knowledge of Spanish and French and my interest in foreign language and diversity really began to set me aside from my peers.

–Dayna Waterworth